An Ornately Decorated Violin, Germany Circa 1900.
A German Viola Dating To The 1930’s. 15.5”
Last Quarter 19th C. Schweitzer Copy Violin
A Bavarian Violin, Germany 1880’s.
An Anonymous German Violin, Circa 1850.
An American Violin By E.A. Elliott, 1957
A Good German Violin, c. 1900
A Mid-Century American Violin, “Sycamore”
Milano “Bergonzi,” A German Violin From 1927 Imported by Carl Fischer, NY.
A Good German Violin, Probably EHR, Early 1970’s
Strad Model Violin By Zheng Xi Zhao, 2023.
A Violin From Johann Traugott Glass, Third Quarter 19th C.
2019 Stefan Petrov Viola, 15.”
A Good German Violin From Klingenthal, Circa 1870-1880.
A Viola By Johann Georg Voigt II, 1783. 15 3/8.”
An Interesting 20th Century Viola, Probably Hungarian. 15 5/8”
A Good Violin from Markneukirchen, Early 20th Century.