Unlabeled Chinese Viola, 15.”
Da Salo Scott Cao Viola, 2004. 16 1/2”
A German Viola Dating To The 1930’s. 15.5”
2019 Stefan Petrov Viola, 15.”
A Viola By Johann Georg Voigt II, 1783. 15 3/8.”
An Interesting 20th Century Viola, Probably Hungarian. 15 5/8”
A Powerful German Viola, Circa 1890-1900. 15.5”
“Martin Hiller” Viola #59, 1997. 16 1/4”
A Good Bohemian Viola, Mid 19th c. 15.9”
A Contemporary American Viola by John Vincent Importuno, 1998. 16 1/2”
A Good Amatese Viola By Zhen Jie Zhao in Beijing, 2022. 16 7/16.”
A Brescian Inspired American Viola Edward Ryan Miller, 2016. 16 1/4”
Mid 19th Century Mittenwald Viola From Neuner & Hornsteiner. 15 3/16”
An English Viola By Bryan Maynard, 1979. 16 1/2.”
A Viola From The Workshop Of Heinrich Theodore Heberlein JR., 1922. 15.5”
An Unusual Ergonomic Viola by Modell Glasel Jr, Pre-WWII Germany - 411/389mm.
A Rare American Viola By Verne S. Swan, 1944. 414mm Or 16.3.”
A Good Canadian Viola By William Knaggs in Toronto, 1899. 16.”
A Contemporary Polish American Viola by Wladek Stopka, 2013. 15.5”
A Modern Viola From 1992 By Geoffrey Ovington. 16 5/8”
A Fine and Unusual Italian-American by J.Y. Parmelle, 1889. 15 7/8”
A Fine Viola by Leo Aschauer; Mittenwald, 1955. 16”
A Fine Mittenwald Viola By Leo Aschauer, 1965. 16”
A Rare Late 18th Century Viola by Carl Christian Hopf, Klingenthal Circa 1790. 15”
A Contemporary American Viola By Todd Goldenberg, 2014. 16 1/4.”
A Contemporary American Viola By Todd Goldenberg, 2020. 15 3/4.”
Viola #133 By Clifford Roberts, 2003. 16 3/8.”
A Beautiful Contemporary Cremonese Viola By Yam Uri Raz, 2015. 16 1/4”
A Fine French Viola By Georges Apparut, 1937. 16 1/2.”
A Beautiful Viola by Jordan Hess, 2019. 15.9”
A Fine Contemporary Viola By Jordan Hess, 2020. 16”
An Exquisite Modern Cremonese Viola by Maurizio Tadioli, 2004. 15 3/4”
A Contemporary Viola By Jon Van Kouwenhoven, 1986. 16 5/8.”
A Great American Viola By Anne Cole, 1992. 16 5/8.”